Erich Fromm Stiftung
The engineer and inventor Karl Schlecht, who pioneered the technology for concrete pumps, has not only built up a global company but is also a major force in promoting the thoughts of Erich Fromm. Thanks to Karl Schlecht and the Karl Schlecht Non-Profit Foundation (KGS), as well as to Fromm’s literary executor Rainer Funk, the Erich Fromm Institute Tübingen was established in the summer of 2014. Together they founded the charitable Erich Fromm Stiftung (EFS) in order to provide the Erich Fromm Institute Tübingen (EFIT) with financial resources. Because of their effort, the Institute’s collections are permanently accessible to scholars and the public.

On June 17, 2014, the Erich Fromm Foundation was acknowledged by the local authorities and granted non-profit status. Donations are possible and welcome to ensure the financial basis for the Erich Fromm Institute and its activities and projects.
The bylaw of the charitable Erich Fromm Foundation defines the purposes of the Foundation as follows:
“(1) The purpose of the Foundation is to maintain the scientific legacy of Erich Fromm and to promote the reception, dissemination, and further development of Erich Fromm’s scientific findings.
(2) The purpose of the Foundation particularly shall be realized by establishing an Erich Fromm Institute. This Institute shall house Fromm’s reference library and his scientific estate that by Fromm’s last will was given to Rainer Funk, who was Fromm’s last assistant and who recorded the collections and enlarged them by a collection of the literature about Fromm.”
Among the five members of the advisory board are a representative of the Karl Schlecht Non-Profit Foundation and a member of the board of the International Erich Fromm Society. Rainer Funk was appointed the first director of the Erich Fromm Foundation.
Gemeinnützige Erich Fromm Stiftung
c/o Dr. Rainer Funk
Ursrainer Ring 24
D-72076 Tübingen / Germany
Phone: +49 (0)70 71-600 004
Fax: +49 (0)70 71-600 049
E-Mail: fromm-estate(at-symbol)fromm-online.com
Bank Account:
Erich Fromm Stiftung (EFS)
Bank No. 600 501 01
Account No.: 435 518 03
IBAN: DE95 6005 0101 0004 3518 03