Copyright Instructions
General Instruction
All bibliographic data, texts, photos, audio, and video files accessible on this website are copyrighted by the Literary Estate of Erich Fromm or by Erich Fromm Online. All you find here is for scientific and personal use only. Any citation or publication of material is prohibited without express written permission of the copyright holder – the author and/or the publisher.
Copyright regarding Erich Fromm’s writings
When Fromm’s wife, Annis, died in 1985, Rainer Funk became the administrator of all rights to Erich Fromm’s published and non-published work, and he began his work as administrator of the Literary Rights and the Literary Estate of Erich Fromm.
Regarding the bulk of Fromm’s writings, the right to publish, copy, and translate is vested in publishers all over the world. Thus, only a small selection of Fromm’s work can be made available on this website.
According to national and international copyright conventions, no paper of Fromm’s can be used without permission and contract with the proprietor, Rainer Funk (and usually also with the respective publisher), and are subject to payment, particularly if commercial aims are being pursued by its publication.
Literary Agency
To administer the copyright of Erich Fromm’s Literary Estate, the Literary Agency Liepman in Zurich, Switzerland, has been assigned to act:
Literarische Agentur Liepman AG
Asylstrasse 92
Tel.: +41-43-268 23 80
Fax: +41-43-268 23 81
E-Mail: info[at-symbol]liepmanagency.com
Literary Estate and Executor of Erich Fromm
Concerning all other questions, please contact the Literary Executor:
Dr. Rainer Funk
Ursrainer Ring 24
phone: +49-7071-600004
fax: +49-7071-600049
E-Mail: fromm-estate[at-symbol]fromm-online.com