How to use the Document Server

Which language do you prefer?

Above the Fromm photo you can choose between English and German

What can you search for?

“Erich Fromm online” provides access to indexes and in part also to the writings themselves (PDF full text)

“Erich Fromm online” includes the indexes of four different libraries:

(1) The Writings by Erich Fromm in all editions and translations. Gathered and as PDFs available are also drafts, typescripts and proofs discovered in the literary estate of Erich Fromm

(2) The Writings about Erich Fromm ranging from reviews, articles to theses and dissertations

(3) Fromm’s own library as well as publications that were added posthumously to the collections of the Erich Fromm Archive

(4) The publications of the International Erich Fromm Society. Here you can search specifically for the journals published by the Fromm Society (“Yearbook” and “Fromm Forum” in both English and a German edition)

The (simple) search field

The simple search field enables to search more or less for all:

  • for authors
  • for titles as well as for names and terms that are part of the title
  • for the year of the first publication
  • for URLs of print- and ebook publications offered in the internet by searching for “http”
  • for titles of journals and collections
  • for call numbers of the Fromm Archive (“C 158” for instance refers to “Fromm Forum”) and for the identification numbers of Fromm titles (“1941a” denotes “Escape from Freedom”). An overview of the identification numbers of all Fromm titles you will find here

Please note:

searching by the simple search field leads to results that refer not only to the indexes but also to searchable full text PDFs.

Therefore an advanced search is recommended via

  • “Advanced Search “ or via
  • ”All documents” or via the menue
  • “Browse”

Searching via “All documents”

Confines the search to the indexes of the four libraries. By using the filters the search can be refined. You specifically can search

  • for titles in a certain language
  • for a specific document (book, review, etc.)
  • for the year of first publication

By entering the name “Erich Fromm” in the filter “author” you will find all Fromm titles in a certain language – or all book titles that were published at all or in a particular language.


Question: Which books by Fromm were translated into Polish?

Answer: Go to “Search” and then to the submenu “All documents.” Choose the filter “Author” and enter the name “Erich Fromm.” Under the list “Document Type” select “Books” and finally in the filter “Language” “Polish.” The displayed titles can be sorted chronologically according to the year of publication or alphabetically according to the title. Clicking on the title opens the record.

Question: Which reviews written in Spanish are included in the indexes of the four libraries?

Answer: Go to “Search” and click on ”All documents.” Choose “Spanish” in the filter “Language.” Select “Reviews” under Document Type. Now you can sort up and down the listings chronologically or alphabetically or according to the authors.

The “Advanced Search”

The submenu “Advanced Search” in the menu “Search” is suitable to search for authors, for titles and for the year of the first publication in the indexes of the four libraries; in addition, it is suitable for the search in the full texts and in the abstracts.

The option displayed in the search fields of “Advanced Search” (“All words”, “At least one word” and “None of the words”) allows complex search routines. This way, you can search for records when you only have incomplete information. Or you can search for titles on the subject of “love” while excluding Fromm’s own work. (Concerning this, search for “love” in the field “Title,” type the name “Fromm” in the searching field “Author” and chose at the same time the option “None of the words”.) See also below the paragraph „More Hints“, where the application of Boolean Operators and of Wildcards is explained.


Question: Which writings of the Fromm scholar Michael Maccoby are recorded in the four libraries?

Answer: Go to “Search” and then to the submenu “Advanced Search.” Type “Maccoby” into the search field “Author”. In addition, the search results can be filtered according to “Language,” “Document Type” or ”Year of publication” and it can be sorted chronologically and alphabetically.

Question: Which Italian literature about Erich Fromm is filed?

Answer: Go to “Search” and then to the submenu “Advanced Search.” Type “Fromm” in the search field “Title.” By this you search for all titles that include the name “Fromm” (and generally holds true for the secondary literature). The search results can be selected by choosing “Italian” in the filter “Language” and they can be sorted chronologically and alphabetically according to authors and titles. An icon left of the title gives access to an abstract. By clicking on the title all dates and abstracts are shown in the record.

Question: I am searching for literature about the topic of “alienation?”

Answer: Go to “Search” and then to “Advanced Search.” Type “alienation” or ”Entfremdung” (or even better “alienation OR Entfremdung” into the search field “Title” to get displayed the results. If you delete the terms in the search field Title and put them into the search field “Abstract” or “Fulltext” all titles will be displayed where the terms you are searching for are included in the abstract or full text.

The menu “Browse”

This search feature particularly is suitable to find certain document types in one of the four libraries of “Erich Fromm online.” The search bears exclusively on the indexes of these four libraries.

The collection “Writings by Erich Fromm” by document types allows to targeted search for different types of published documents (book, articles, reviews, interviews, etc.).

In the collection “Writings by Erich Fromm by kind of publication” you will find especially

  • the original publications of Fromm’s writings
  • the excerpts drawn up by Fromm and his assistants about the publication of others
  • the drafts of own publications written by Fromm himself
  • Fromm’s typescripts for publication
  • some galley proofs of books by Fromm
  • the Fromm titles included in the twelve volumes of the German Collected Works of Erich Fromm

The search results can be selected according to “Language” and “Document type.”

The collection “Writings about Erich Fromm (Secondary Literature)” not only allows to targeted search for scholarly publications about Fromm (Dissertations) but for instance also for Obituaries on Fromm (“Necrologues”) or for Interviews with Fromm.

The collections “International Erich Fromm Society’s Writings” and “International Erich Fromm Society’s Journals” contains the publications of the Fromm Society and its members. The collection “International Erich Fromm Society’s Journals” allows to targeted search in the „Yearbooks“ published between 1990 thru 1995 and in the issues of the journal „Fromm Forum“ that is published from 1997 on in an English and a (textually different) German edition.

Full-text downloading

Provided the documents are available as PDFs (scans of the texts) and unless barred by copyright restrictions, the digitalized documents can also be downloaded. Quite a few documents are only available upon request. Please use the form to order those documents by email.

How can I export the search results?

In the record display, the results can be exported individually via “RIS” or “bib TeX” in reference management systems (eg Citavi or RefWorks).

So far Erich Fromm online has no tool to export the search results. We hope to add this function shortly.

More hints

1. The Boolean Operators AND, OR, and NOT

Using the simple “Search,” all terms are combined by “AND” automatically.

In the submenu “Advanced Search” different search terms can be combined by using the Boolean operators AND, OR and NOT (the operators must be written in capitals!)

AND means: The document has to contain all search terms.

OR means: The document has to contain one of the search terms. This function broadens your search and is recommended, when there are different terms for the same meaning, for instance technical terms in German and English.

NOT has an excluding effect and might be useful to reduce a large result list: Documents, which contain the one term, may not contain the other: apple NOT fruit.

2. Wildcards

If there a doubts about the correct spelling of a name or a term you may use * and ? as wildcards. You cannot use them in front of a word or search string.

Example 1: “chemi*” finds “chemical” but also “chemistry” or “chemist.”

Example 2: “licen?e” finds “licence” and “license.”

3. Search for phrases

With the help of double quotes (“) in the search field “Title”, “Abstract” or “Fulltext” you can search for phrases.


Questions concerning Erich Fromm online, the Erich Fromm Archive and the Erich Fromm Document Center please write to:

Erich Fromm Literary Estate

Ursrainer Ring 24

D-72076 Tuebingen / Germany
