Erich Fromm Document Server

The Erich Fromm Document Server, located at the Zuse Institute in Berlin, contains approximately 35,000 bibliographic records on the following holdings:

  • the writings of Erich Fromm in all languages and editions
  • all recorded excerpts, drafts, manuscripts, and galley proofs of publications by Erich Fromm
  • literature about Erich Fromm
  • the reference library of Erich Fromm from the Erich Fromm Institute in Tübingen
  • the psychoanalytical reference library of Marco Bacciagaluppi from the Erich Fromm Institute in Tübingen

As far as copyright permits, many texts can be downloaded or requested as PDFs directly resp. “on request”.

The document server allows numerous search options: by authors, titles, terms, type of publication, document types, year of publication, languages, etc.
A helpful guide to the optimal use of the document server can be found in the FAQs, and is also available as a PDF.

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